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To rincon is to habitually decline every invitation to do something no matter the circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to, social events such as lunch with coworkers, drinks at a bar, camping, sporting events, or anything else with an invitation that could be declined.

"Jack is rinconing today and doesn't want to go to lunch."
"Hey, don't pull a rincon today and skip the bar tonight."
"It's margarita Wednesday! Don't tell me you're going to rincon and skip it."

by TheAntiMatter August 21, 2013

21👍 13👎


1.adj.- hilariously funny

2.noun- one derrty mother f***er that has no regards for anyone elses feelings when joking

1. Damn, that joke was fuckin rincon nigga!
2. Man, that rincon is gonna get a cap in his brown ass one of these days, my nigga.

by DaXFaCtoR August 24, 2006

23👍 37👎

Rincon Tower

When two guys are giving a girl an Eiffel Tower in San Francisco.

Named after San Francisco's tallest and most luxurious apartment complex.

Wow, I heard they had a threesome last night and gave Catey a Rincon Tower.

by SFhottie July 27, 2009

22👍 8👎

Juan rincon

A guy guy who loves dick

dude your such a "juan rincon"!

by byron gigles September 27, 2009

5👍 6👎

Sophia rincon

The hottest and prettiest person on earth,

Sophia rincon is the property of Max Farber

by Thiccdickdaddy668 April 6, 2021

1👍 3👎

Rincon Middle School

A place where cholos, losers, preppy girls/boys, and anyone else unfortuane enough to be dumped here, come to waste three years of their pre-teen lives. Nothing interesting ever happens, and nothing ever will. 'Relationships' between 'students' only last like, two days, or until they don't know what to do since they're so obsessed with finding out how to get into the 'in-crowd'. The morning announcements are done by the most annoying girls in the school. The mascot is a sad, sad looking Bulldog, and everyonce and a while someone will get into the mascot costume and prance around like they enjoy life. There's seriously nothing remotely worthwhile about this school. The food sucks dick, a dog wouldn't even shit in the bathrooms, and there's gum and dirt EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE.

Incoming 6th Grader: I'm so excited to go to Rincon Middle School this year!! It's going to be so cool!
Previous Student: Oh.. God *has Vietnam-like flash back* NO! NO!!

by I've Seen Shit July 3, 2009

19👍 5👎

Sophia rincon

The hottest and funniest person on the planet.

Sophia rincon is the property of Maxeth Farber

by Thiccdickdaddy668 April 5, 2021

1👍 5👎