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mesmerizing eyes, beautiful smile, 30/10 personality, supportiveness, and willingness to care for loved ones. Kind-hearted, playful, and someone you can have banter with. She can make you smile even in the darkest day and bring light into your life. She will always put your needs first and she will make a positive impact on your life. She makes you see the bright side in life and doesn't allow things to get to you.

mesmerizing eyes, beautiful smile, 30/10 personality, supportiveness, and willingness to care for loved ones. Kind-hearted, playful, and someone you can have banter with. She can make you smile even in the darkest day and bring light into your life. She will always put your needs first and she will make a positive impact on your life. She makes you see the bright side in life and doesn't allow things to get to you.

by rng9898 September 11, 2020

188๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Origin: French

Meaning: little rock

A woman who doesn't take shit from anyone, even her own parents. She does things her way when she wants where she wants how she wants. A beautiful person inside and out. She is a great listener and tells it like it is. She is lotal and trust worthy. She is exotic and fun to be around.

"Rochelle Rochelle.....A tale of a young woman traveling from Milan to Minx"

by MPOW February 2, 2010

2568๐Ÿ‘ 519๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rochelle is only nice to people who are nice to her and doesnโ€™t take shit from anybody. She respects only who she needs to, and is a jackass to anyone who double-crosses her and her friends. If she catches you dissing her friends she will personally take it that she thrashes your ass. If you talk trash about her behind her back, she will throw it back into your face. Sheโ€™s not afraid to speak whats on her mind and can immediately tell your a good person. She treasures her friends and would never forgive herself if something happened to one of them. She loves Anime and acting like an idiot when she is around her friends but is more cultered when around her family, teachers, and people she barely knows. She is a badass and what some people consider to be a tsundere. She doesnโ€™t let just anyone into her heart from fear of being hurt, so if she trusts you donโ€™t make her regret it, and donโ€™t cheat her or she will make your life a living hell and you will never be able to regain her trust.

Boy: Hey who is that girl defending her friends from the school bully?
Girl: I think itโ€™s Rochelle.
Girl 2: Of couse. Sheโ€™s a Rochelle.

by RVH July 12, 2018

49๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rochelle is an amazing young woman. She takes the hearts of all the men and makes them forget how to speak.

Also know for the sexiest features on earth, including the best curves known to man, the finest butt ever recorded and boobs that have been known to kill people due to nose bleeds.

She has poor taste in music, but makes up for it in dancing. She often says cringy things but is known for making the room funnier.

She also has an amazing control over her boyfriend. Due to her attractiveness he has been known to be potentially violent and carry bleach in his car.

If you think you have found a Rochelle, chances are you haven't cause mine is the finest.

Is that a Rochelle over there?

No she doesnt have the butt of legend.

by Ur noah June 28, 2018

93๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rochelle is someone very sexy and beautiful. She has an amazing body and a great personality. Big boobs, big butt, she's the perfect girl. (And the best girlfriend)

"Daaamn, look at that smokin' girl over there. She must be a Rochelle"

by GimmeMcDonaldsNow December 12, 2016

163๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rochelle is quite simply put the girl of everyone's dreams. She has everything: the looks, the wit, and, most importantly, the kind heart. Looking into her eyes has been known to place some men under hypnosis and her smile may temporarily cause weakness in the knees. Her excellent sense of humour makes her an absolute pleasure to be around and brings out the best of even what may have otherwise been an uncomfortable situation. No documented cases of bad times exist in the presence of Rochelle. Her calm and accepting nature can put almost anyone at ease. This most exciting lady never says no to an adventure and is always up for a challenge; however, she claims to be an excellent driver, but this is yet to be proven. Her kind and pure soul is recognised the world over as people of all corners of the globe recognise that this is a truly delightful person to be around. As the kindest and most caring person in any room, you will never feel alone while with Rochelle. Any guy who is lucky enough to call her his girlfriend is a very lucky man indeed and should forever be grateful of this very special opportunity.

Guy 1: Wow did you see that girl?

Guy 2: Yeah she's cool, but she's no Rochelle.

by LiefieG September 9, 2021



1. A graceful creature attributed to myths and legends from the sea: sometimes resembling a sea nymph. Alternate forms include a small green frog.

2. A stormy day

3. A wondrous girl. Intelligent, curious, creative and adventurous

Silly and romantic, can be found laughing on most occasions. Rochelles are fond of happy, wise and curious people.

Rochelles are known to hide under bed covers. Can be coaxed out with friendship or cinnamon.

Rochelles sometimes emit loud sounds in public places, usually resembling a laugh.

If properly taken care of, a Rochelle will reward you with laughter, music, and companionship. Rochelles make excellent partners in crime.

If you want to repel a Rochelle, mix equal parts vodka and liver, cook for 20 minutes. Rub mixture over your body, avoiding eye area. Let dry

"Ah, yes. I knew a Rochelle once. She was the most wondrous thing that ever happened to me. But I was a young man then. A young, foolish man..." -from the ancient stories of Urban

by UrbanKeeper February 7, 2010

807๐Ÿ‘ 310๐Ÿ‘Ž