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True romance is doing something special or unexpected for someone you love, even though you don't have to. Romance isn't a greeting card, it isn't Valentine's Day, it isn't a box of chocolates, and it certainly isn't a dozen roses (unless you like that sort of thing). Real romance is not what modern society has been taught to think it is. Real romance isn't manufactured. It is completely individual. Romance is for showing the person you love that you're thinking about them. It shouldn't feel forced. There are no limits to romance; it can be shown by a handwritten note, by going for a walk, or even by making someone a sandwich. Romance is something simple and sweet that reminds your partner why they fell in love with you in the first place.

"John, just sitting out here with you watching the sky is all the romance I need."

by Q Miller August 23, 2009

1245๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž


Romance is a state of connection between two people that is brought about by thoughtful sentimental gestures that mean something to one or both parties; gestures that communicate care and understanding and love, as well as a desire to reach out and connect through the heart with a partner. The purpose of romance is to showing the person you love that you're thinking about them, that you would like to them to slow down so you can connect with them, so you can share love again, for a time together. Best when thoughtfully planned, also good when spontaneously carried out, it should never attempt to be forced. Some romantic gestures are: stopping your partner for a slow dance in the living room while making dinner, a spontaneous picnic or trip somewhere special, preparing the bed for lovemaking, a handwritten note, a thoughtful, loving comment, a walk โ€“ silently or with speech, or any other number of gestures or actions that cause a couple to slow down and connect. It could even be making a special sandwich together. Romantic gestures are usually simple and sweet. They cause your partner to remember who you are, and why they fell in love with you in the first place.

He loves romance! He's always doing something that makes me stop and remember he loves me.

by DeepThinkr October 31, 2015

104๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A love, emotional attraction towards another person and the courtship behaviors undertaken to express the feelings.

2. A subgroup of the Italic languages.

3. An academic discipline studying the languages, literatures, and cultures of areas that speak a Romance language.

4. A genre of media of which the central plot focuses on the romantic relationships of the protagonists.

1. Romance is a feeling of love for, or a strong attraction towards another person.

2. The Romance languages sometimes referred to as Latin or Neo-Latin languages.

3. Romance studies departments usually include the study of Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

4. Connoisseurs of the romance genre adore to watch movies and read books on the love topic almost every day.

by hekaoma May 7, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful name for a baby girl who is surrounded by love from the minute she is born.

Not another Jessica, Stacey or Megan.

Lacey: What did they name her?

Leinad: Romance.

Lacey: What a pretty unique name.

by rev22 September 16, 2010

56๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you and your girlfriend have an oil wrestle until you fall off the bed then you chase her round the bedroom trying to stick your oily penis in her vagina.

"I did the romance thing with Bev last night"

by ItsIrrelephant August 17, 2014

43๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


What guys do to get the panties!

No romance without finance!

by Natural Beauty143 March 23, 2010

76๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


Romance is the process by which a woman charges the highest possible price for sex.

Their romance is going nowhere; he hasn't even bought her a box of chocolates.

by Rowdy the Realist September 27, 2009

76๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž