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Rubi is a real gem. She has a free spirit that cannot be bound. She is kind, loving and caring. Rubi is a person that any man would be lucky to have by his side. She is direct, honest, sticks up for her values and she can achieve anything she sets her mind to. If you know a Rubi, don't let her out of your sight. Be it as a friend or a lover, she will only add to the richness of your life.

Oh and sometimes she can put on a bit of a hard shell. Don't be swayed by it, deep down she is as soft as butter.


But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.

Josef told Mary about his encounter and she just remarked: " Don't be silly, that probabaly just was Rubi"

by Iopenattheclose May 4, 2017

301👍 30👎


If you know a Rubi we'll never let her go she's A beautiful girls with a loving heart and she well bring the happiness to your life but sometimes she's depressed half of her time so make her feel loved cause one day you never know when she might pass away she's honest, trustful,loving,so if you know a Rubi you must be so lucky to have her anyone would be so luck to have a Rubi.

1.man Rubi so nice

2.rubi is so beautiful

3.anyone would be lucky to have a Rubi like her

by Waz good Gam December 4, 2017

90👍 12👎


A Rubi is a smart, pretty, tall, and funny girl. She protects her friends and stands up for what she believes in. All the guys have a crush on Rubi. She is also a perfect best friend to have. So if you get a Rubi be greatful and keep her because not everyone has a Rubi like this one.

Guy 1-Hey who’s the new girl?
Guy 2-That’s Rubi
Guy 1-Dude!!! She’s flaming hot!! I want her.

by Martinezrubi1705 March 31, 2018

111👍 16👎


What are Rubi’s? Rubi’s are the greatest person you will ever meet,even though they don’t show it they are. Rubi’s are extremely kind and not social at all but they still try to make others happy. Rubi’s can take many hits and they won’t fall down because they feel already too worthless to even care about what other say because she says worse things to herself , Even though she is the person who keeps everyone together, without her everyone will fall apart. She is extremely important,caring,awesome, and sweet but she doesn’t think that so help her realize she is way more than nothing, you are the luckiest person in the world if you have a Rubi so take care of her and help her threw thick and thin,no matter what, a Rubi will try to help even though she is broken herself.

#careforher #Rubi #help #worthless #nice #sweet

by RLFNAFHP July 4, 2018

64👍 9👎


A smart, beautiful, loving girl that is totally unresistable, this is a girl you cannot live without. There is no word that can describe Rubi because she is absolutely perfect.

"Look at Rubi, she stole my heart! Such a beautiful girl my oh my!!!"

by KoalaTFX April 13, 2017

73👍 15👎


Rubi is a hot ass girl she thick ass fuck and she fire no cap🚫🎩

Look it’s a Rubi

by Eubsunbx November 18, 2018

52👍 16👎


Rubi is an outgoing girl, she loves to dance and get hyper! She is also an amazing friend, but sometimes she gets mad at you if you get her annoyed she is theSpanish translation for “Ruby”it comes from French. Any guy would be lucky to have her everyone wants her.word she uses a lot “oh shit” “ah fuck” “dumb bitch” “ew bitch”

Rubi:(I’m going to wake up at 4 in the morning -later ...Rubi(gets a FaceTime call Nd wakes up oh shit it’s 7

by Games5698 September 27, 2018

23👍 6👎