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rules is rules

A common statement is which a person attempts to convey that "rules" (policies, laws, etc) must be followed irrespective of personal intuition or any sense of what really makes sense. "Rules is rules" conveys that it is the rule, and nothing else, that determines a certain action or inaction. The statement is usually used in a context where it is believed that the rule "doesn't make sense", but it must be followed anyway, simply because it is a rule.

Unfortunately our company doesn't allow us to send Excel files because they might have malicious macros embedded. Even if I know an Excel files is safe, I can not send it to you via email because "rules is rules".

by seajay1978 January 14, 2016

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novo rules trump house rules

say it when u want to get what you want and you have a novo because novo rules automatically trump house rules
-darby and tara . (we made this shit)

“you have to fuck her mom bc novo rules trump house rules”

by Nigger69cock May 5, 2019

Rules are Rules

When you are on TikTok at any time of the day and you suddenly see a video of a Chinese person making something/working at a convenience store with the background song “The past can only be recalled” being played. So the user then comments, “Rules are Rules, Goodnight” or any other twist and closes the app.

Bolbo sees the video at night and goes to the comments and says “Rules are Rules, good night everyone” and closes the app.


Marlo just opens the app and sees the video and says “I just opened the app. Well, Rules are Rules” and closes the app.

by The Gamer 540 May 5, 2024

Rule 9006 (Golden Rule)

Rule 9006 - The rule that invalidates one other rule per argument.

Girl - "I just watched Fight Club Last night!"
Boy - "Rule 1"
Girl - "Rule 9006 (Golden Rule) ."

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021