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San Diego State University is a great school where most of the students are hard working and also know how to have a good time. Most SDSU students do not come from privileged backgrounds and are first generation college students. As a result, almost all SDSU students have a job while also taking classes full-time.

SDSU professors actually care about their students and about teaching. The campus is very beautiful (just like the SDSU ladies) and the student body is quite diverse. Like anything, your college experience is what you make it. SDSU can give you the skills you need to be successful after graduation.

SDSU is growing in academic prestige and has dozens of national rankings and awards. SDSU has received over $1 billion (yes with a B) in external funding from 2000-2007. For two years in a row SDSU is ranked as the No. 1 most productive small research university in the nation, based on the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index.

Top 5 SDSU alumni:

1. Jim Sinegal, Costco co-founder and CEO, Time Magazine's 2006 list of The 100 most influential people.

2. Carl Weathers, former NFL player, actor, Apollo Creed in Rocky I, II, III, and IV.

3. Joe Gibbs, Hall of Fame NFL coach.

4. Tony Gwynn, Major League Baseball Hall of Fame.

5. Linda Lang, CEO of Jack in the Box.

Guy: SDSU is an all-around great school.
Girl: The proof is in the pudding.

by SDOC January 21, 2008

220πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


San Diego State University; One of the many Cal State schools located near downtown San Diego. Despite it's reputation as being a party school and a waste of four yeares, SDSU is actually a decent school where anyone can get a decent education. Although the Aztec football team basically sucks, SDSU is a great place to go and have a genuine "college" expirience, as well as to get a good education. UCSD pricks may bag on State, but that's only because they are jealous that all the hot chicks/parties/fun is happening here.

I turned down UCSD to go to SDSU because i actually wanted to have some fun in college.

by kren October 6, 2007

330πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


SDSU is an underrated school that gets a lot of crap from spoiled UCSD pricks. SDSU is a real university for real people. SDSU is an up and coming university with some of the hottest women on the planet.

An SDSU student would totally beat down any UCSD nerd.

by SDOC October 6, 2007

396πŸ‘ 274πŸ‘Ž


A university that has tragically become the media's epitome of a school riddled with cocain rings and sting operations conducted by the DEA and the police. This is a school who's reputation is being tarnished by a few sensless morons who think they are bad ass because they are selling drugs

Mike Montoya was among the SDSU students who were arrested in the raid on 5/6/2008. He was a major in homeland security and was a campus officer who reported to the campus police and was less than a month from graduation.

by Cbllznhoney May 7, 2008

100πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


A village of young adults that is disguised as a college campus. It is home to where the gremlin De La Torre rests and preys upon the positive energy of the youth. No one has actually physically seen her, but there are rumors that if you party at night you will run into her on the streets of Dorothy or Mary Ln targeting anything fun. Do not give into this or it will only feed her more.

Someone: β€œAre you going to that party at SDSU tonight?”
No one: β€œOnly if we run directly inside from the Uber. If De La Torre gets me again I won’t be able to get any poon for weeks.”

by DeLaTorreSurvivor September 12, 2023


A top 10 party-school full of drunken "bros", people doing copious amounts of drugs, and parties on a nightly basis. Although academically weak, SDSU is known for having an attractive student body that will put out in exchange for alcohol and drugs. Because of this, the student body has a high rate of STDs and is one of the few colleges in the nation in which syphilis has made a comeback as a popular "designer" STD.

Although a very low percentage of graduates turn out to be successful, it is also known as a great school for those who wish to persue a career in bagging groceries.

Shit! I knew I shouldn't have hooked up with that chick who looked like a hooker at SDSU in exchange for my case of beer! Why does my penis look like a raw hamburger?


Your daughter is going to SDSU? Better buy her some kneepads, I hear the price of coke is skyrocketing!

by thegloveusd July 11, 2008

180πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž


SDSU has a beautiful campus and the most beautiful girls in the world. You will be attending class with playmates. Most of the time SDSU students have to defend their school to rich pricks at USD and anit-social nerds at UCSD. At SDSU you can have a good time and get a good education.

SDSU is very diverse, especially compared UCSD where you have to be Asian in order to get in. SDSU is known for having a great business school, nursing program, and education program. SDSU students are the most academically prepared in the history of the school with SDSU receiveing over 57,000 applications annually.

SDSU has some of the top ranking academic programs in the nation.

-SDSU ranked No. 30 in the nation for graduates with the least average debt in August 2006 by U.S. News & World Report.
-SDSU's undergraduate international business program was ranked No. 10 in the nation in August 2006 by U.S. News & World Report.
-SDSU's rehabilitation counseling program was ranked No. 12 in the nation in April 2003 by U.S. News & World Report. -SDSU was ranked among the top 25 regional universities for entrepreneurs in the U.S. in Entrepreneur Magazine's Top 100 Colleges and Universities for Entrepreneurs list for 2005. -SDSU was ranked nationally No. 22 in speech & language pathology among best graduate programs in April 2004 by U.S. News & World Report.
-SDSU was ranked No. 22 in entrepreneurship among best graduate programs in April 2006 by U.S. News & World Report. -SDSU's School of Teacher Education was awarded the Christa McAuliffe Award for leadership and innovation by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) in September 2003.
-The SDSU College of Business' Entrepreneurial Management Center is a Nasdaq Center of Excellence, which places it among the top eight such programs in the nation.
-SDSU's audiology program ranked No. 36 in the nation on the U.S. News & World Report's 2004 rankings of best graduate schools for audiology.
-SDSU's College of Education ranked No. 57 in the nation in the U.S. News & World Report's 2006 rankings of best graduate schools.

AND people who go to SDSU stil know how to have fun.

why would you pay way more money to go to UCSD or USD when you could go to SDSU?

by Monty Montezuma December 13, 2006

91πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž