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Short for Single Overhead Cam.

Refers to an engine in which the intake/exhaust valves are operated by a camshaft placed above the cylinders, and driven by a belt connecting them to the crankshaft, as opposed to using connecting rods and rockers.

The Toyota AE85 uses a SOHC engine.

by waveform_distortion December 28, 2005

32👍 10👎


1. Sort of like P.I.H.B(pihb). Except this one means to Shit on her Chest.

That girl is fuckin hot. I would Sohc her.

by TCCO December 2, 2004

7👍 24👎


Single Overhead Cam

The worst of OHV, and the worst of DOHC.

Whenever I do the laundry, I always managed to lose a SOHC.

by merica September 30, 2005

5👍 19👎


SOHC is also short for "shit on his chin". When one attempts to grow facial hair on his/her chin but fails to because it is too thin, thus making it look like you have pubes on your chin.

man 1:yo check out C's facial hair!

man 2: nah man that's some SOHC, that ain't LEGIT!

by Simon Theodore Chipmunk July 28, 2009

3👍 8👎


Bad, mean, or ugly. Sohc engines are worse than Dohc engines.

That girl is definetly SOHC

by Import revolution May 27, 2005

4👍 27👎