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To cause drama in an internet chatroom soley for the benefit of getting replies either negative or positive

man that dude greenie comes on here everyday and SRAs until some schmuck replies to him and then tries to play it off like he's the victim. Makes me mutmad!!

by sheepWolfsheep February 10, 2007

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"Sanitation Relocation Assocation": An event where we pull up to a mobile dumpster, and the the guy in shotgun drags it with the car. Then you drive full speed ahead, swerve to the side and release the dumpster so it flips over a mound of dirt, crashes into broken appliances or simply shatters and spills eveything in the street.
SRA events also include running out to tip over porto-potties, and fleeing the site.

We did a SRA on Green street last night! Those guys must be really pissed.

by Dubenator June 12, 2006

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Scottish Republican Army; a militant organization of Scottish nationalists, founded with the aim of striving for an independent Scotland by means of guerrilla warfare.

The SRA wishes to drive the British forces out of Scotland and achieve an independent Scotland

by DEAD-KARL April 26, 2019

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Social Rights Activist

I’m apart of an elite group of SRA’s who strive to make the world...blahblahblah...oppression.

by Spadix June 21, 2018

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pronounced: ser-raw
said in a manner where it almost sounds like one syllable. it is short for Senora, such as when it is used in Spanish classes when preceding the last name of a female instructor. however, it is most often used by the lazy as "Sra." and works just as well as Senora and it is spelled with the period which is also known to be an abbreviation for Senora, but when spoken, it isn't pronounced "Senora."

"Hola Sra."

"Hey Sra. Rodriguez"

by Ahk S. September 7, 2006

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Cadet Senior Airman- Title of someone of that rank, in AFJROTC, or AFROTC, and Civil Air Patrol

C/SrA Heath
C/SrA Thurston

by Krae Heath November 26, 2006

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Sra. Ruiz

Bitchy Columbian yoga and Spanish teacher who’s short, bossy, and controlling. β€œNO PACKING YOUR BAGS!!”—SRA. RUIZ

Sra. Ruiz yelled at a kid in class today...again...not surprised.

by #haters December 8, 2018

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