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A Proof-of-Stake (POS) cryptocurrency with limited emission and low inflation, STRAT is trading on reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and valued by investors worldwide. It was the first coin to ever mine a block with C#. It's main core is written in C# and .NET.

Stratis Example: Imagine Ethereum, now make it 3x better, 3x faster, and written in a famous, most commonly used programming language (C#).

by Stratis>ethereum+bitcoin June 29, 2017

10👍 4👎


A person who tries to find racism or other negative aspects of anything a person says, no matter how harmless. Usually also a hypocrite, claiming that they are against whatever you are saying whilst also saying things that openly or backhandedly put forth similar ideas.
Sometimes shortened to “strat”.

Person 1: Oh my god making people wait until 18 to vote is racist, 12 year olds should be able to vote
Person 2: dude stop being such a stratis

by a literal f*cking corn cob June 17, 2021

2👍 2👎


1. N. - A band too gay for elton john to endorse.

2. N. -
any band constisting of:
1. a homosexual bible thumper
2. a Angry Gay dude with the abilty to drop his balls as he sings
3. a phedophic junkie Bass player with a abnormally small penis
4. a Drummer with a unstatible urge for dip and a face bright enough to flash down a airliner

"Oh shit, they're so horrible..."
"yeah, a real STRATIS"

by jb February 17, 2005

9👍 52👎


Describing someone being purposely annoying and/or infuriating

Someone who makes other peoples' life harder than it has to be

Synonyms: pain in the ass, pain in the neck

To be a Strati // You are being a real Strati right now

by lauren.C December 1, 2022


The words indie and hipster have been way overused and now mean nothing to real independent figures in modern culture. Someone thinks that they are an indie hipster if they dye their hair green or take a picture with a fisheye camera. So, out of the darkness emerged a new word. A subtle word that will slowly take the contemporary, subcultured, and independent people of this world by storm. This word is Straty which came from the group of words: crafty abstracted. Welcome to the straty movement.

Tom: "That kid is so fuckin straty, I mean look at his old band tee, ozzy shades, and laced up kicks."

Oliver: "He's so straty, I'm jealous of his artsy culture"

by Tommie Where August 5, 2011

2👍 5👎