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Pissed off or upset or not happy

Joe was saldy that he was born a funny lookin fat kid that likes to eat 24/7/

Eric was very saldy after Michael tore his ass up!

by Mini Horse December 28, 2010

36👍 13👎


to be to agressively hateful or over the top.

Ratchet Girl: Girl this little Bitch tryna steal my man, she bouta get herself cut!

Friend: Mmm Bitch you need to go sit your Saldy ass down somewhere will all that drama.

by ratchetgirlboo August 1, 2013

10👍 3👎


When some one is wrong or thought.

She saldy she got a 67% not a 90%!

by Streaksblack November 16, 2016

2👍 3👎


the act of getting a penis shoved up your ass

he was given a saldi

by loser123 January 19, 2007

12👍 9👎


a small metal object inside a vagina that has to be displaced by surgery or an anus

1- a saldy stuck inside a vaginal opening

by adam chain August 21, 2008

8👍 21👎


The after effects of semen(salty in origin) on the face , mainly used to show that your infereior to someone.

after winning a game of basketball you might say "aw yall got saldy-faces "

by Skalecki July 18, 2008

4👍 3👎