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In nowthwest Indiana, A santoro is a big sexy cashmoney ass nigga. A guy so fly with so much swag that all the ladies go 4 him.

A yo man, you see that santoro ova ther in the lunch room hollin at them shawties? Dang they jus gav him their numbers. (Envy..)

by Guy with santoro February 25, 2009

27👍 48👎


the act of plagiarism in the form of a youtube video created by the rebel Matthew Santoro.

"grunkle Jake has 100,000 subs from reacting to pewdiepie plays peppa pig"

"what a Santoro"

by Bass boosted pringles can June 22, 2016

1👍 2👎


last name of a blue eyed brown hair guy who plays girls for all he can. Usually is ugly but some how gets alot of ass. Is attracted to awkward girls. and has creepy friends.

"Dam did you hear about santoro and monica?"
"wait i thought he was getting with Julia?"

by joe simalajdfdskalhfsadlg November 10, 2008

11👍 42👎

mathew santoro

Some one who is very successful YouTube channel and someone who is very educated

Small Youtuber:I want to get more subs
Friend: you want to be a Mathew santoro

Kid: he is so smart he is like a Mathew santoro

by Idk bro just shoot some threes February 12, 2017

23👍 5👎