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A man who is desperate for acceptance

this nigga a scrouge

by anon12423567545342345678654356 September 30, 2019

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1. Homosexual male that smokes Virgina Slims

"Hey Scrouge need a tampon to keep your shit from falling out"

by EngineJim December 9, 2003

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Lebaneser scrouge

A lesbian that tries to ruin Christmas

Sharon has been a Lebaneser scrouge ever since she caught her girlfriend with a guy at the Christmas party.

by the truth the whole truth.. December 12, 2015

Scrouge Balls

When your testicles are in a state of severe hibernation. Your sack is scrunched up as tight as it will go, often seen during colder weather or after having taken a swim. The exact opposite of this would be Pirate Balls.

It was five below zero out, and my Scrouge Balls were starting to ache.

She stared at me with a look so cold that my pirate balls quickly turned Scrouge Balls.

by Pickett Smith July 18, 2009

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mongolian scrouge

When a girl sucks your dick while you take a shit

Hoss got the Mongolian scrouge at URI

by Mongolian Scrouge October 2, 2017

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To brush teeth with vigour.

(context: Person A and Person B are both brushing their teeth. Person A is borrowing Person B's toothpaste.)
Person A: Yo bro why does your toothpaste taste so unfortunate
Person B, politely: 'I *would* intensely and vigorously scrouge my teeth in anger in response to your statement, since I love my toothpaste so very much, but I've lost a tooth to that once, and would not like to go through that experience again.'

by IcattErr June 17, 2022


Synonym for β€œsemen”

β€œShe ebbin on my neezer till I scrouge”

by Croc_ December 13, 2021