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A derogatory term to label the world views of individuals or political groups. "Semi" indicates that the views are partly or almost fascist. Logically, one is either a fascist, or not a fascist. President Biden used this term to describe Republicans on the 25th August 2022 at Rockville, Maryland. This is symptomatic of the existing culture war in which both conservatives and liberals accuse each other of totalitarian world views. The elements of Semi-fascism may include:
1. Obsession with race and racial privileges;
2. Ideological unity between the mass media and political parties;
3. Ideological unity between academic institutions and political parties;
4. Intense grassroots will to power and a fixation to crush dissent;
5. A totalitarian society that persecutes thought crimes and non-crime hate events zealously.

BIDEN: It's not just Trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the (movement), like semi-fascism.

CONSERVATIVE: You mean just like the way Democrats have moved away from a meritocracy to race-based selection, have gained the unquestioning support of the media and universities, supported by activists of all counterculture groups and actively cancel and persecute those who disagree with them. This sounds more like authentic fascism to me!

by doug1ness August 30, 2022

26👍 48👎