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A classic man, usually someone who knows everybody but truly only keeps the select elite close to him , always attains the baddest females around but doesn't do much with them after that, attracts a lot of lames because deep down he really is one, versatile in character/knowledge. Smart, Brave, and Bold. Christian man. Often Introverted but able to come out that shell. Multi-talented. Excels in being different and unique .

That's some Shelton ish.

by Bill Arnsparger December 22, 2016

110๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very hot,funny,smart and kind girl,beautiful on the inside and outside.

Wow she's really like A Shelton

by BaconDabb December 8, 2016

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shity lil shit hole who can flirt with every girl and still have a gf at the same damn time. But we luv that dush bag and he is hot. He is still workin on his sexuality and if u see him oit side the zoo plz call the zoo. He may seem like a cute boy with blue eyes or brown eyes but he still has his pervertive side . Hes soooo cute though so who cares. He is only nice to certain ppl and roasts so well u cant help but laugh when hes around.

Crowd of girls: "shh its shelton... "
One girl: "omg whats the zoos number?"
Two girl: "Fuck that whats his number?"

by H.M.U.define June 5, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A classic man, usually someone who knows everybody but truly only keeps the select elite close to him , always attains the baddest females around but seems to get tired or bored of them easily. A Warrior both Physically and Spiritually, versatile in character/knowledge. Smart, Brave, and Bold. Christian man. Often Introverted but able to come out that shell. Multi-talented. Excels in being different and unique .
Music, Money and Sports is where you thrive.

That is Shelton

by Godchosenone November 23, 2021


A town in which people are constantly get high off of brand new drugs and 8th graders go to school with hangovers. Don't get me wrong, the people are great, but then theres the 'ghetto' people from downtown who critize people from White Hills and Huntington for being more wealthy then them. Jeeze im sorry your dad walked out on your mom and now your mom sleeps with a different guy every night but don't tkae it out on me (true story). Anyways, then there Shelton High which is probably the gayest school ever. There are four types of groups Druggies/Potheads, Goths/Punks, Preppies, nerds/dorks/other people who have no friends. Basically, you don't want to live in Shelton. It is half rich and half poor..so move to Darien or something

Girl: What are you doing tonight?
Boy: Oh I don't know, i heard theres suppose to be an awesome party though, i think I'll get high.
Girl: Oh my god! Great Idea!

by Yahlikeidsay June 23, 2005

119๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shelton is, nowadays, generally a Middle Name. It doesn't really say anything about one's personality, because it was given to them promptly after he or she was born.

Shelton used to be a common First name in the early 20th century. Your parents might have given you your middle name as Shelton, because their grandfather's first name was Shelton.

by sTelLer_boii August 16, 2008

55๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shelton is a very hot guy destined to married a girl name Rachaela

Rachaela :You are so hot!!!
Shelton :Yeah I know.
Rachaela :Let's get marry.
Shelton :Sure!

by Shelton February 18, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž