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Shhhmoke, a word that is considered an insult by many. Many people say he is more evil than Hitler. Shhhmoke is a barbarian who was born in the viking age. He never became a general like everyone else, as he was too much of a bozo. Everytime his general deployed him in battle, he would accidentally somehow end up helping the enemies win. One day when Shhhmoke was deployed in battle, and Shhhmoke’s general lost, his general had enough, and he removed Shhhmoke from his battle roster. Shhhmoke was roaming the streets when he came across a sleeping hoog and wizard. He took both their clothes and jewelry, and put them on giving him a rich aesthetic. He soon came across a clan castle, and met Lothorlitnghamr. Lothor thought he was one of the richest generals, so he recruited Shhhmoke, and gave him co-leader. Shhhmoke became a barbarian who lead armies, and would lose most battles. He would be seen spending a lot of time with Lothor, further decreasing Lothor’s IQ. No one in the clan liked Shhhmoke so they all left. After it was just him and Lothor in the clan, he left the clan and searched for the next clan to destroy.

I had a dream last night where I had a successful clan, and Shhhmoke came in and destroyed it.

by Michael Hyperwebster November 25, 2022