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the accidental application of shit to ones knuckle while in the act of wiping ones ass.

"dude, what took you so long?" "Had a serious case of shnuckle, had to wash my hands for 5 minutes."

by The Normandy January 20, 2012

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A word used in place of the word shit when around innocent people or people that do not like cursing

Bob: Hey Mike it smells like shnuckle in here

Mike: Yeah it smells really bad, let's get outta here

by KrishKrishtie January 26, 2020

bubble shnuckles

a word you would say when you are drunk off of monsters and rockstars and feel like peeing in your pants and have a tingling sensation in your BRAIN.

Ciera: I went to Moscow to buy atomic bombs so that i could blow up gummi bears and make gummi bear juice and throw it at you and melt your face off into jello!!!!

kevin: ..bubble shnuckles..

by chancho and thunbelina January 31, 2008

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shnooz shnuckling

The kinkiest and dirtiest things imaginable

Rachel shnooz shnuckled Chris =

That girls a shnooz shnuckling whore!

Shnooz shnuckling is a great family activity

by lucky sob December 27, 2007

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1. To cuddle, get cozy, fit perfectly together

2. A very nice kitty

I had such good shnuckles last night!

by Princess Taylor Shnuckles December 8, 2008