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Siegel is a refrence to the creator of Las Vegas Benjamin "Bugzy" Siegel.Which means "Totally bad Ass" or "crazy"

Man, Johnny gets laid all the time he must be part siegel.

That guy seriously jumped off a bridge for fun man hes siegel

by BurnItAll June 10, 2008

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Bullcrap. Siegel's are the Greatest and gave the biggest schlongs.

He's awesome. He must be a Siegel.

by mnrstlx November 23, 2017

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A horrific disease caused by the birth of Siegels; symptoms include bad breath, stiffness (most brief in the lower body), awkwardness, and dysfunction of the hair follicles.

Dude, I think you have Siegelism.

by **..**..** November 17, 2017

Siegel stain

Crusty residue left on fabrics and skin resulting from Male on Male group sex pornographic movie shoots.

I will never get the smell out of this couch from all those Siegel stains.

by wardo021 February 27, 2015

noah siegel

When the Pokemon "Wabafat" performs his signature move,"The Bubbles" on his opponent. This is said to be the greatest move of all time thus, the noah siegel.

Wow, dude did you that kid pull a noah siegel last night, it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. It took me all the way back to that day we...

by hero preash March 31, 2009

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mrs siegel

A bad stupid mother fucking lady that she thinks she knows everything but she doesn't she is a fuck face by:Angeline Garcia 5-508

Mrs Siegel is such a fucking bitch I hate her

by Mrs siegel May 4, 2016

Dirty Siegel

A Dirty Siegel is a term used when your get weird off of alcohol and other illegal substances and proceed to hook up with mutants

Dude you were totally a Dirty Siegel last night at the bar.

by Joe Finyaughts December 13, 2010

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