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1. A three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.

2. A person with an exceptionally strong and "chiseled" appearance.

3. Someone of unusual stubbornness; a person unyielding despite immense physical and/or mental pain; a stoic.

"Dude, look, an eagle!"
"No, dude, that's a statue."

"That dude's a frigging statue!"
"I know, right? Check out that six-pack."

"HOLY #$%*, did I just run you over with my Tahoe?!"
"Ummm... I believe so."

by Wazakra April 22, 2010

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A statue is a sculpture, representing one or more people or animals (including abstract concepts allegorically represented as people or animals), free-standing (as opposed to a relief) and normally full-length (as opposed to a bust) and at least close to life-size, or larger.

A small statue, usually small enough to be picked up, is called a statuette or figurine, while one that is more than twice life-size is called a colossal statue.

The definition of a statue is not always clear-cut; equestrian statues, of a person on a horse, are certainly included, and in many cases, such as a Madonna and Child or a Pietร , a sculpture of two people will also be.

Statues have been produced in many cultures from prehistory to the present; the oldest known statue dating to about 30,000 years ago. The world's tallest statue, Spring Temple Buddha, is 128 metres (420 ft), and is located in Lushan County, Henan, China.

by JONNY WAS GOODE July 21, 2017


Person who doesn't move from one end of the day to the other

Hey Statue, are ye confused.

by Abbot August 21, 2003

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(verb)To ruin the rest of your life via a stupid choice you made. Examples include procreating illegitimate children, landing yourself in jail, drinking and driving resulting in below the neck paralysis, becoming a vegetable from too much drugs, etc. If you end up dying shortly after the mistake, it doesn't count as being statued.

"Finally we run the trojan which causes you to smoke a joint and get 20 years to life. We see a brief image of you getting high on the convenience store's security camera. Your life is now as useful, and entertaining, as a statue."

by Braveheart's thirst for blood March 30, 2006

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The once, twice, or three times daily monolithic masterpiece that one deposits in the toilet. Often referred to as a poop; however, with much more gusto and character. Unlike a more mainstream statue, the observation and admiration is often interrupted by a repulsive and sometimes eye watering stink.

The efforts and toil put forth by the statue maker often results in great relief and accomplishment

I'll be back in awhile, I got to go make a statue.

Be cautious of co-workers who say; Hey, come check out my statue?

Be extremely cautious of fart knockers who refer to themselves as, "Michelangelo!"

by Pelley October 18, 2007

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status that

When you see or do something that makes you want to run and update your facebook status and let all your friends know. Also can be used as "stat that"

I finally got that job I've been waiting on! I gotta status that!

by Ry-G. January 5, 2010

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A word that you use after another word to describe someone.

Bnay: "OMG.. look at that guy.."
Binny: "I know.. total nigg status right there.."

by you would January 13, 2007

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