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Because old Nintendo games had to save on memory, they only allowed four spaces in the naming grid. People with names that were five letters or longer were screwed, and their characters' names were often hilarious four letter versions of their names. Dragon Warrior was the primary stimulus for this definition.

Chri, Fran, Cour, Step, and of course Stev

by Steve July 23, 2006

47👍 17👎


Basically the short of Steve used cause your too lazy to type "Steve".

Me: Hey Stev look over there!
Steve: Bruh stop calling me Stev.

by JustC4llMePro April 26, 2021


Horrid fanfiction writer whose fanfictions are bad on purpose. He is a guy who enjoys ruining other peoples lives by corrupting their minds with horrible litiature. He posts his works on wattpad and has not one follower but still sends the announcents to them. His work contains mostly horrible story's involving his friends, although he also writes fan fiction and poetry. Although he writes serious litiature he has yet to post any. Hes a male who lives in the united States and goes by the pseudoname stev.

10 year old: Man I can't wait to read some story's now that I joined wattpad, hmm stev is it, wait what's a... He did what with the... OH WHAT THE...

30 Year old: Hmm wattpad huh? Whos this stev guy? Oh... Ohhhh... OH FUCK NO!

Serial killer rapist: Hmmm what's this? Hmmm... Oooh... I've got to try that one... OH HELL NO! FUCK THIS!

by steven1237 April 17, 2015

6👍 4👎


Stev is a shorter version of saying the already shorten name Stephen. It is often used at school to bully a friend by the name of Stephen.

It has been recognised as having likeness to the name of a gay russian.

Me: hey stev.
Steve: It's steeeve you retard!

by Tony Adams July 14, 2010

6👍 15👎