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Storekeeper's have the best job at your local power company.
When management people walk thru the storeroom they stack insulators and widgits to appear busy.Sometimes they will carry a paper and pencil and fake like they are counting shit.They can also be seen outside randomly stacking pallets and driving their forklift in complicated figure eight patterns to lose anyone on their tail.
When someone needs material loaded they say-
"I can't , I have to get this inventory done"
"Sorry I've got to get on a conference call"
"Man I've got to take a dump,see ya in 10 minutes!"

Lineman John-"That storekeeper is a lazy ass turd"
Lineman Bill-"Yea really,all he does is walk around with a paper and pencil pretending to do shit"

by Box Kicker December 14, 2012

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