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An ancient nickname for the city of Portland, Oregon. Refers to the stumps which dotted the streets of downtown Portland in the early days after the woods were clearcut for construction of the city.
Also a coffee company based in Portland.

Yo, my car broke down in Stumptown last summer and I haven't seen any social services since then.

by socklibrarian February 9, 2004

70👍 10👎


The historical name for Portland, Oregon, a city currently manufacturing a giant laser aimed at Seattle, Washington. Stumptown refers to the many people of Portland who have lost limbs while working on the laser.

Whenever I'm in Stumptown I get laid; whenever I'm in Seattle I get lice.

by Chazschwab September 6, 2004

89👍 35👎

Stumptown Academy

one of the four academies at cleveland high school in portland, oregon. best teachers ever bro.

"what academy are you in?"
"STUMPTOWN ACADEMY, what about you?"
"..rhapsody.." *walks away in shame*

by saporta4lyfe March 23, 2009

2👍 11👎

stumptown stash and beard collective

The Portland Oregon chapter of Beard Team USA founded by Brian J. Snoderly, Thomas Hughes, & now president Justin Cate.

Stumptown Stash and Beard Collective hosts the 2011 West Coast Beard & Mustache Championships.

by Sideshow Psycho Wax May 5, 2011

2👍 1👎