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A family name that is generally passed down from generation to generation (via males of the family in Western culture). Women, traditionally (but not quite so much these days) often adopt the surname of the man they marry.

In modern culture it's fine for a male to adopt the females surname (though not that common), for couples to hyphenate their existing surnames into a new surname eg. if mary jones marries john smith they may join their surnames to be jones-smith or... possibly, it's fine to just create a whole new name (also not that common). Most commonly it is fine for each person to keep their own surnames and then fight when the children come along as to whose surname the children will get.

Example forms part of the definition.

by Em Wun March 9, 2005

111👍 32👎


The last name in a pair of names, used mainly for people's names.

Jack Michaelson's surname is Michaelson.

by LRS November 15, 2004

76👍 27👎


your last name

michael goodburger's surname is "goodburger"

by Heisenburg May 19, 2009

76👍 28👎


The act of adding a surname to the phone contact of an ex after breaking up with them. Forms part of closure as usually only the bf/gf would be surname-less in an address book.

"Have you definitely finished it with Kylie then?"

"Yeah, it's official. I surnamed her this morning."

by sternboller February 12, 2012

8👍 1👎

Leeiwestein — Surname, spelling forms in different languages.

Leeiwestein (Sometimes: Livestein, Levin) — The surname has Jewish and Russian roots, descended from the Russian surname Levin, from the palm plant Livestona, originating from Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Russian: Ливестеин, ударение: Ливесте́ин, читается как: Ливестэ́ин.
english: Leeiwestein, Sometimes: Livestein, ac (emph): Leeiwestе́in.

Leeiwestein — Surname, spelling forms in different languages.

by JohnsonOlive September 9, 2024

Lily (surname I won't say)

Basically god.

How do I get into heaven?
Ask lily (surname I won't say).

by Enlightened one2.0 December 27, 2022

greek surname

A surname that is longer that 8 letters long.

Friend: What's your greek surname?
Greek guy: Margalonoutofanoukopoulos
Friend: Wait what the f-

by User 1066523872 September 15, 2023