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crazy behavior that may not seem like a good idea at first, but in retrospect, was a pretty good idea indeed

"That was pretty TATSU of us to ride that rollercoaster without checking to make sure we didnt exceed the height limit, cause my head almost got chopped off in that tunnel."

"Last night was so TATSU when we broke all the stuff in the hotel but ended up ghetto rigging it to avoid catastrophic fees."

by kctheking September 8, 2011

34πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


the literal translation for this japanese name is 'power of the dragon' OR a super cool sophomore girl named after her great grandma

Tatsue's Homeroom Teacher: "Tatsue! go see the principal, you are being very insubordinate. Even though when you called me an 'old man' you were just joking, I'm going to take it personally and give you a detention."

by hehehetats April 21, 2009

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A badass, hot, sexy samurai lady from Suicide Squad.

Tatsu, aka Katana.

by EasternEuropeanSlavLover July 8, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Tatsu is short for Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (TAHts-MAHk Sen-Poo KEE-ock); a move used in the Street Fighter series. Only practitioners of Shotokan Karate are able to use this move. It is executed by moving the joystick a quarter of a circle back, starting with the joystick in the down position and then press the kick button(s). Because Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku is a mouthful to say, people usually call it a hurricane kick, Tatsu, or QCB kick.

I did: crouching jab, jab, forward, link into short Tatsu, into fierce Shoryuken.

by Shinkuu...Hadoken December 21, 2010

25πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


1) Something that is hard to get rid of or is very tough. Resilient, durable, hardy or strong. Difficult to kill.

2) Legendary spirit of death and primary afflicted of THE CURSE. A boogieman or monster. Also often related to deaths against those that have spoken ill against THE OPERA, THE REDEEMED ASSASSINS, THE REDEEMED FANS, and/or CHEEZE. SEE DRAGONS.

1) Dude, this board is too fricken TATSU. It ain't breaking.

2) Man you better not speak no crap against The Opera or TATSU will get you

by Aiko Oyama Ayers January 24, 2003

16πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The "Hurricane Kick" from the world-renowned Street Fighter games. The Ansatuken-users (more commonly known as the shotos to uneducated people) preform this move. ryu, Ken, and Akuma can preform this technique. This technique is preformed by leaping into the air, leg horizontally extended before you, and spinning like a top.

*Note thatt you will look like an ass by attempting this*

Carl Winslow: Akuma just Tatsu-maki-sempuu-kyaku'ed my ass!

Steve Urkel: Serves you right.

by MyQueensKnight February 27, 2005

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Crazy behaviour on a level you can’t keep up with.

Tatsu is hard to get rid of or is very tough. Resilient and difficult to kill.

They are so TATSU, you don’t want to mess with them.

by TS2021 November 6, 2020