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Tiny dick gang

TDG: the gang is exclusive to the finest people in the world with tiny dicks. So people with tiny dicks can express themselves proudly

by Tiny dick gang June 17, 2019

37πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Team Diverse Gameplay better known as β€œTDG” is a worldwide E-Sports Xbox gaming organization. Ran by the leader, TDGboat known legally by Evan White founded the organization in February of 2018. On January 1st of 2019, the Co-Leader β€œTDGSkies, known as (NickTheBeast12) Legally known as Nick Marrs, is one of the better members in Team Diverse Gameplay. He has an overall KD (Kill Death Ratio) is 2.73 making his KD better then the leader. Last, but definitely not least is the recruiter TDGToxicZ, legally known as Christian Diaz, is the leader of the recruitment, and deals with any new members or clan recruitment.

Dang TDG is insane!

by Goodlocksnitherpicker January 6, 2019

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The only known identity of one of the key players in the Mendozian Cartel. Operating under Daniel Mendoza in Red Hook, TDG is famous for his girth and laziness. Also known as T-Swag, everyone who meets him are known as T-Switnesses.

"I just got some male prostitutes from TDG ! I am now a T-Switness!"

by bobsatonme December 20, 2013

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Too Damn Good.

Man, that was amazing. Just TDG.

Oh my God! That was TDG!

by Bobo June 10, 2003

28πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Total Damn Guy: When a person reaches the extent of damnation, he gains the status of Total Damn Guy. It is the extreme form of "Damn Guy". Damnation beyond total damn guy is not recommended, though in rare cases, individuals may reach "Consistently Total Damn Guy" status (CTDG). This applies only to individuals who have a high damnation level average over an extended period of time.

"Joe didn't come over last night, damn guy"

"Bob stole my PS3, what a TDG!"

"Jim's been annoying me over the past year! He's such a CTDG!"

by ennn December 26, 2006

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


kids with lives, that care about one thing.....VIDEO GAMES. they are nerdy, arrogant, and think they are athletic. their trademark...kid cudi specs, which emphasizes the nerdy part. on weekends you might catch them trying to find glitches in the latest x box 360 games or lubing eachothers butthole (see anal astronaut). Its really sad. only if they were more like their brotherhood idols....

a video game group, TDG will accept u in the group if u are: good at x box, fat, friendless, or not athletic.

by brohood4life November 27, 2009

14πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Someone that is fucking a minor

Hey have you heard that Markus is TDG? He was fucking koishi last night

by Unkown newgen June 4, 2022

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž