Source Code

The River

a place where kids in the Cochella Valley hang out because there is practically nothing to do here.

usually now overcrowed with little kids who look like little whores, hxc kids, or emos.

on a friday night.

girl one: "hmm so going to the river tonight?"
girl two: "yeah i guess what else is there to do?"

by ZoΓ© β„’ December 2, 2005

42πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The River

The fifth and last card turned in No Limit Texas Hold'em, Usually followed with the words "Fuck" or "Mise"

I had the four card flush and i hit the 5th club on the river and i was like "MISE!" until i saw he had the full house so i quicky followed with "Fuck!"

by Steve November 14, 2003

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The River

Place where bros like to hang out and talk about going to, in actuality usually a lake.

Bro 1: The river was fucking awesome, bro
Non-Bro: It's a lake
Bro 2: Yeah, the river was the shit with your new boat, bro
Non-bro: It's a LAKE
Bro 1: We should hit up the river again next weekend
Non-bro: It was lake-FUCKING-Elsinore!!!

by non-brozerker July 1, 2009

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The River

a place in the desert aka the coachella valley that have nothing else to do so they go there and make drama.

it consists of old people who are retired everyday except friday because on friday nights you'll see a whole bunch of wannabe scene kids and wannabe gangsters.

everyone looks the same : either in skinny jeans & vans & really fake extensions, hollister, or baggy shirts, shorts, nikes, etc are what people are in most of the time. most people who live out here are rich.

(myspace bulletin)

Subject: River?
Body:Whose going to the river ? i'm really bored, does anyone wanna go with me ? there's nothing else to do.

by ilahyou September 25, 2008

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Verb; The act of flipping your coat over your head while making a sad face like a pouty little bitch. Made famous by quarterback Phillip Rivers, think of it as his version of tebowing!

Did you see Earl? He's in the corner Rivering cause I've been smashing him all day in Madden!

by Mellow D January 13, 2014

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


River is an incredible human!!!

The best lil sibling u will ever have!!
They have a great taste in movies and music and are such a vibe to hang out with!!!
If u ever meet a River never let them go because they will stick with u for life!

River’s hair looks amazing in those braids

by Jakob B October 7, 2021

182πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Love of my life is named river they make me really happy and I love them with all my heart I want them to marry me one day she deserves everything they have helped me through a lot I'm so happy I have someone like them πŸ₯ΊπŸŒΈπŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’•

River is so pretty

by Kitty God January 11, 2021

115πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž