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A person, originally from India, but denouncing his indian heritage

Employer:What is your ethinic background?
Edward:I'm a Tabz

by geekeboy September 6, 2008

14👍 11👎


Tabz, how do i explain her, shes the type of person who will match your energy any time have that kind of contaigous laugh and is the best person to date, she can fall for you so hard until she blackout in a coma, she'll get you all these little gifts that will really make you think about her even the dumbest little things but shes a very over protective person. You would really like a Tabz in your life she'll only make life better Especially if your name starts with B,P,E and F 😍

'Whos Tabz?'
a social, happy, cheeky thing

by anuminus February 17, 2023


To get naked

Right before entering the shower, I get tabz

by RedSunRises April 4, 2011

5👍 6👎


tabz is a ROBLOX exploiter and a very hot person.

1: Who is tabz?
2: Are you an idiot, it's tabz!

by taabbzz February 25, 2022


one who sleeps with many men, one who sleeps around, one who has slept with the entire neighborhood.

That freshman Jenn tabz around to be popular.

by triiz May 24, 2007

9👍 21👎

tabz and marz

when 2 stupid year 7s have the brilliant idea of making a YouTube channel .

let’s pull a tabz and marz

by fadoodle , the chicken nugget April 6, 2020