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Talisa is an amazing person who is perfect in any and every way talisa is very kind and caring and very funny they will make you laugh so hard and they will make you feel better in any situation your in. Talisa always wants you to be apart of the group and will include you In everything when your feeling left out. In the end a talisa is a crazy’s day loving person and is so beautiful and just over all a great person.❤️❤️❤️ Elly

See that Elly over there she’ll never be a talisa

by Elly lives you talisa January 6, 2019

59👍 5👎


A short girl who loves to give jokes, she is beautiful but doesn't believe it, she is smart and innocent and she loves to have friends even though she has trouble showing her emotions. She is caring, generous, kind, weird and loving. If you have a Talisa in your life do not let her go.

Girl 1: I am in desperate need of a weird and beautiful friend.
Girl 2: I have a friend in mind, her name is Talisa.

by Cat girl 1o1 July 25, 2018

43👍 4👎


Small and speckled. Dances and runs like a camel.

Besides these aspects, she is beyond loyal to her friends, kind, caring, and compassionate to everyone around her. She always strives to do the right thing and will be the biggest support in your life if you're there for her. Don't ever lose this person from your life.

Person 1: Who is that?
Person 2: Where?
Person 1: that one girl over there....she's small though...
Person 2: Ohhh that's Talisa. You can also call her Teresa.

by smallloose May 8, 2013

40👍 10👎


Talisa is a beautiful unique girl who is the downest girl you'll ever meet. She's quiet but it's because the real g's don't have to flaunt their assets. She is a good friend and will have your back for life as long as you don't do her dirty. You want a Talisa in your life. She's rare like Mr. Clean with hair.

Dang Talisa is quiet. Yeah but the quietest one's are always the realest and mysterious.

by Gatchalife June 14, 2020

8👍 1👎


a white plastic blonde bimbo

Talisa Sutton: Omg. Look at me! Look at me! Im so perfect!
Katrina: Who's the malibu barbie?
Tina: Just a dumb fake slut.

by Tina Kat August 29, 2009

30👍 107👎


a taliban

what dont you understand

by Darrel hammond July 7, 2003

31👍 112👎


beautiful, tall,intelligent female. very goal oriented and knows what she wants out of life. Sort of shy but in a sexy way. However, mess with her in the wrong way and it over

talisa is the best name ever

by Talisa aka Lee Lee January 27, 2009

292👍 42👎