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A man born in France with many abnormalities he could eat a eel with bones and everything could eat 1/4 of a cow carcus in a day only weighed about 100 pounds and even ate people and on one occasion ate a baby I'm not joking this guy was fucked up. And when the doctors did the otopsie on his body they could see all the way down into the stomach cavity oh and he also mutalated small animals but that's not quite as bad as the other stuff.

Dude where's my child

Tarrare must have ate him

by Kris b chiken July 12, 2018


that one french dude who most likely reincarnated as Nikocado Avocado when he died

man 1: wheres my food?
man 2: tarrare must have eaten it

by some random dumass February 1, 2022

4👍 1👎


When tarrare has had only 3 mess hall raids, 4 miscellaneous trash related mishaps, and one cavader defiling when all of the sudden, a 14 month old baby goes missing.

Doctor: ok tarrare, you’ve only had 3 mess hall raids, 4 miscellaneous trash related mishaps, and one cavader defiling.

nurse, knocking on door: doctor, a 14 month old baby has gone missing.

Doctor: (long pause)… TARRARE. DID YOU EAT A FUCKING BABY?!?

by GenosCyborg September 4, 2023

4👍 1👎