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Very very pretty girl who’s super funny. Tera’s don’t have too many friends but the friends they do have are loyal. Super sweet and caring can be a headass sometimes without knowing way too nice to people who don’t deserve her kindness and sometimes lonely

Wow she’s super hot but way too nice she must be a Tera

by Percussiondaddy December 10, 2017

80👍 8👎


Drop dead gorgeous and unfathomably funny. Not only book smart, but street smart. Has a love for food, but you'd never know it looking at her incredible body. Used to describe the most amazing person you know or will ever meet. Legendary.

Wow, you are so Tera.

by oliveoil50 February 3, 2010

567👍 198👎


A voluminous ,young . girl with a big heart .She cares for many and even though she doesn't show it much she does love many.She is a very smart beautiful girl.She enjoys playing out side.She may have a difficult time making friends do to her big personality ,but when she does make friends she try's her hardest to show that they mean a lot to her.Tera is a one of a kind person and if you ever meet one make sure not to upset her because she can snap for does sometimes have a tyemper but if you are careful and kind she will eventually feel as though she can trust you so NEVER break her trust don't go behind her back and DON'T HURT HER.

person: who's that?
friend:oh that's Tera the schools hot nerd. <3

by Pumkin <3 February 8, 2019

18👍 3👎


Overall: Funny, Witty, Smart, artist, loves music, hates to lose friends, does not trust easily, shy.. but watch out when angry... always gets over it quickly. nice, caring people who make friends easily, is beautiful and outgoing!

So many meanings...

Tera: a chadic language spoken in north eastern nigeria.
A village (Tera, Paphos) in Cyprus.

Tera Rifle: Japanese special rifles developed for papatroopers.

Earth, or Earth Mother: a primeval Roman goddess, also known as Tellus

Terra: a role-playing game
Battle for Terra: 2007 animated film by Aristomenius Tsirbas.
Holy Terra is the name of Earth in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.


by hotbooty February 5, 2010

109👍 52👎


An extremely sexy college chick that I like to spend time with and who always makes me smile (in more ways than one). Is in love with Jack Johnson and the body of Gerard Butler. Despite being cold all the time, she is not evil like most cold-blooded girls. She is a prominant soldier in the war against man-bear-pig. She loves to buy to me chipotle and cheesecake, and in the words of Borat: We like to make the sexy time.

Im going to Tera's house to eat chipotle and watch 300 and who knows what else ;)

by SAK_ATAK November 6, 2008

119👍 91👎


She’ll feed you to her dogs, and then eat your dogs. She’s very scary and tends to be a weird person. She also has rage and anger issues.

Stop being a bitch that’s so Tera.

by Fucking bitch flat ass asian June 12, 2020

4👍 6👎


The disgusted face one would make if they smelt someone that wasn't wearing deodorant or smelt like bloody tampons.

Gosh, with all these sweaty bodies around me I can't help but make a tera.

by Cockmydoodledoo January 12, 2017

7👍 22👎