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The Art Of Frame Control

The nature of reality is inherently ambiguous and is open to various interpretations. Gaining a greater degree of control over one's internal and external psychology is the most important factor in increasing one's level of success in all aspects of life. The collective congruency between your internal self and your external results is a Frame. Whoever is more confident in their interpretation will be able to control everyone's interpretations around them, this is known as The Art of Frame Control. Whatever man knows frame control will be able to gain the upper hand in any social situation, whether they are trying to land a big deal, convince their spouse to get on board with a decision, or pick up a hot date.

Josh King Madrid, better known as JetSet or JetSetFly wrote a book called The Art Of Frame Control after writing JETSET Life Hacks.

Billy: I can't find anyone who wants to buy my products and girls never pay me any attention. I been working on my mindset and it's not working. I've tried everything... Josh King Madrid teach me the jet set way so I can level up & live the jetset life too.

JetSetFly: Stop trying so hard and just use The Art Of Frame Control and it will happen automatically and effortlessly.

Dr David Hawkins: That is a fact at 499 LOC, Oh Lord. **Calibrates the LOC of josh king madrid's statement with muscle testing**

2 weeks later:
Billy: I'm now a multi-millionaire with 4 hot girlfriends, thanks for teaching me the art of frame control. The Jet Set Way truly is the only way.
JetSetFly: Makes a lot of sense.

by piaheza September 30, 2022

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