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The Black Hand

A terrorist organization originating pre-World War 1 in Eastern Europe. I use Eastern Europe because its just vague enough to work and i don't feel like doing any actual research.

Back to the definition, The Black Hand is responsible for the assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo.

Gavrilo Princip: I think i'll assasinate the Archduke of Austria today seeing as how i'm a member of The Black Hand.

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 28, 2006

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The Black Hand

The official faction of assasins found in the Bethesda owned game "Oblivion"
A reference to the clan of assasins found in another defenition of this phrase. Also known as the Dark Brotherhood. They follow the spirit known as the Night Mother (AKA Old Lady Luck). The Dark Brotherhood only kills those who have not proven themselves worthy of living (For various reasons but mostly for murder and scamming).

"I trust your decisions will only benefit The Black Hand."-(Lucienne LaChance)

by Pancaxe May 13, 2009

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The Black Hand

Biggest terrorist organization in the video game "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer" they've destroyed countless amounts of buildings, killed millions of people, caused countless amounts of damages to Las Venturas's Casinos and have their own section of rules that they worship like a creed (example: Following All Server Rules), they plan their attacks with great timing and are quick on the response if something altars the plans of their attacks, very rare does someone survive one. Found only on one of SAMP's servers called CRRPG (Cops Robbers Role Playing Game). with a massive comunity of regulars and player slots filling faster each day the server was upgraded for more organisations to counter The Black Hand. one is Taskforce 141 CRRPG's most elte police and army officers have joined this team of brave men and women to challenge and faulter the black hands attacks. Both teams are found the most on CRRPG at this IP for SAMP Users:

The Black Hand Taskforce 141 CRRPG

by [SSD]Kelvin[RS] November 5, 2010

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Black Handed

Similar to the phrase, "Red handed", except when the person being caught is black.

Tyrone was caught black handed for trying to steal the bait car.

ShaniQua was caught black handed for shoplifting a wig.

by Jeronleow April 12, 2020

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Black Hand

A secret European mafia with ties in Italy that became the Sicilian Mafia when Europeans emigrated to the United States. The Godfather came from a Black Hand family.

Don't fuck with the black hand.

by AJ from the Crest October 1, 2007

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Black Hand

A term used to describe an extortion racket which flourished among the Southern Italian immigrants of the United States in the early 1900's.
A reputable "villainous gang' who thrived on a system of blackmailing bankers, business owners and merchants. Letters that threatened harm, arson or murder if a sum was not paid to the mob. The letter exhibited three black crosses surmounted by a skull and crossbones, sometimes fancifully decorated with dripping blood or bullets, signed off as Mano Nera or 'Black Hand'. Successful immigrants were usually targeted, as 90% of New Yorkers were Italian immigrants.

The criminals used violence against law officials who tried to eliminate black hand/ers.

by Black bolder April 24, 2018

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Black hand

Smacking with the hand of a black person. It hurts twice as bad as any other ethnicity. Black handin, Black handing, black handed, black handedest are all variations.

Bitch don't make me black hand the shit out of you.

Damn! He's black handin the shit out you.

Bitch you just got black handed.

That hurt like shit. Your the black handedest motherfucker I've ever met.

by Merly Black Hands October 30, 2019

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