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the groaner

a poop so hard to get out that you must groan very hard.

last night at that party i had the groaner and dude i yelled and i thought people heard me!

by JAson R........ April 13, 2009

25👍 1👎


A joke that's so corny or stupid it makes one groan instead of laugh.

That one that ended "Look at that S-car go!" was a real groaner.

by cornholio October 13, 2003

104👍 24👎


A shit so huge, it can not exit without vocal assitance.

I took a groaner last night that clogged the toilet.

by Spammerman August 16, 2006

67👍 23👎


A grilling/smoking induced boner brought upon by barbecue and the act of grilling/ smoking delicious meat.

The second I opened the smoker and saw the delicious goodness within, I got an instant groaner.

by JamesonBBQ March 9, 2014

13👍 7👎


1) An erection so stiff and firm that it makes a guy groan.

2) A woman who is so vocal during sex that her moans turn to groans of lust and desire.

1) "Dude, that chick is so hot, she gave me a groaner that wouldn't go down even after I came!"

2) "Julie is a real groaner in bed! I could hear her all the way over on Sixth Ave."

by Fast Bobby May 21, 2003

37👍 27👎


a big fat joint rolled with mad shwag (e.g. Mexican weed or generic shake). when someone smokes such a joint, they become "mad green".

Yo pass that groaner, G. I need to puff it.

by Chet III November 24, 2007

6👍 17👎


A state of extreme excitement which occurs when a female encounters a nonsexual object that she feels an uncontrollable urge to acquire.

This occurance is similar to the experiences of many teenage boys who are completely out of control of their pup tents.

Groaner originates from a combination of the words "girl" and "boner."

Related synonym: Shopgasm

Chelsea: OMG! Those shoes are the shiz!

Rhonda: I don't know, they're okay.

Chelsea: Are you kidding? They're the most perfect pair of shoes ever! I totally got a groaner.

by A Blasy June 14, 2008

5👍 22👎