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The front ensemble

Otherwise known as secret bourgeoisie workers, the front ensemble is the most sophisticated part of a high school band. They may seem friendly at first, but I will warn you, they work for the Bourgeoisie. The front ensemble is secretly a bunch of birds playing big xylophones to attract people’s attention, so they can be interested in their cultic doings

Person one: wow! The front ensemble is good at what they do!

Person two: be careful, they work for the bourgeoisie

by Iamdefinitelynotabirdiamhuman September 16, 2019

Front ensemble

More commonly known as the pit. The part of a drum corps or marching band that stands in front of the field and do not march. The Front ensemble can include mallet instruments(marimba, xylophone, vibraphone, etc.), guitar, bass guitar, keyboard/synthesizer, drum set, and auxiliary, among many things. The pit is the forgotten part of most drumlines, as most people only include the battery(snares, tenors, bass drums) in the drumline. Usually very nice people who are criticized excessively by the rest of the corps because they don't march.

person 1: Look at the Front Ensemble.
Person 2: Yeah, their mallet line is incredible!

Trumpet Player: Dude, the FrontEnsemble is so lucky they don't have to march. They are so lazy.
Clarinet player: Yeah but the pit has to push all that heavy equipment to and from the field all the time.

by Heidi Ramone April 13, 2009

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Front Ensemble

Otherwise known as the fromble, the front ensemble is a large part of marching band. They provide blending and some of the harder melodies. They form close friendships that are hard to let go of, making graduation hard. Including all key instruments, chimes, drumset, auxilary, gong, and bass drum, the front ensemble members are very talented and good people. There is at least one of each of the following: a hoe who dated the entire drumline, a wise yet immature senior, a junior fed up with everyone's shit, an insecure softmore, and a cocky freshman that everyone lowkey hates

Trumpet: Wow the front ensemble is so lucky they don't have to do drill
Guard: They have the hardest music, the heaviest equipment, and don't get any credit so go choke on a dick

by Fobssoffobs April 5, 2018