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To act like a goat or desire to be a goat

A person frombles when they are

1) Making goat sounds or gestures while ordering food
2) Attempt to remove your partners clothing with your mouth
3) Chew bubble gum with your mouth open
4) Are having a liking for kilts
5) Preferring the emotion of crankiness

by Dr Gruehl July 12, 2014


When a tinychat user in the bigchaos951 room cams up and proceeds to engage in a non-requested vocal acapella tirade of songs with zero regard for the listeners he may be offending.

Glen: "who the fuck is frombling?"

Betty: "who do you think? fromme2fem has been frombling the entire Pink Floyd catalog for the last.22 hours!"

by lunatic256 January 21, 2022


When you drop a coin and it rolls and you have to chase it and then it rolls in a circle.

"Dude, if that coin rolled in a circle after you dropped and chased it it would've been such a fromble"

by Rodiji July 20, 2015


Short for Front Ensemble in a marching band.

Drumline and fromble keep the band together.

by anAverageUsersName September 5, 2023