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Greek city with a population of around 1 million people. The mose beautiful city in Greece and has been voted one of the top 5 most beautiful cities of Europe.

by Dave September 22, 2003

175👍 34👎


The second biggest city in Greece, located in the north part, in the region of Macedonia. The Ma(d)nchester of Greece!!

Thessaloniki rocks!!!

Thessaloniki mou, megali ftoxomana..

by dimitris-boy April 12, 2005

130👍 26👎


Is the biggest shithole of Greece. Located in the north part of Greece.

-Dude, What do you think about Thessaloniki?
-Is the biggest shithole. By the way, is the city with the biggest gay community in Europe.
-Damn, a guy told me that it's a beautiful city
-He was defenitely gay, drunk or high!

by Salonika4 March 12, 2008

30👍 171👎