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Thomas Edison

In short, a total butthole that took employees's inventions to the patent office, claimed they were his, and got all the credit.

To convince the American public not to use Nikola Tesla's AC system, Thomas Edison paid schoolkids to kidnap cats and dogs from homes nearby his lab so that he could electrocute them to death with AC power.

Also, see this about Nikola Tesla:

by HGF88 November 21, 2013

115๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

The biggest asshole you will ever know. He ainโ€™t the true โ€œBiGgEsT aMeRiCaN iNvEnToRโ€, he didnโ€™t even invent electricity he just stole that idea from NIKOLA TESLA. Yea you heard it right, a Serbian invented electricity not this dumb American. He took many ideas from other people and still get credited for it till this day. Yโ€™all who support him should be ashamed of yourself. He legit just took ideas and inventions and gave himself all the credit and everyone believed him.๐Ÿ™„

โ€œYou know that guy who invented electricity?โ€
โ€œOhhhh yea, Nikola Tesla.โ€
โ€œNo, Thomas Edison didโ€
โ€œYou poor dumb fuckโ€

by Unknown.girly. September 26, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

A fictional sexual manuver where a lightbulb is placed in the women's vagina and the friction from the anal sex she is recieving lights up the bulb.

It's kinda dark in here. How about the Thomas Edison?

by T Money November 22, 2004

121๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison (1820-1955) was best known as a humorist and secretly wrote material for Mark Twain and David Letterman. In his spare time he worked in the Patent Office and ghost-wrote Albert Einstein's relativity papers. It has been alleged that he inherited a method for sexing bees from his mother, Mother Teresa, although the evidence points to him having developed it himself in the early 1700s. In 1877, journeyed with his youthful "ward" Henry Ford to Mars, landing outside The Fabled City of Z'la and encountering the High Martians. During the next 12 years, he reched a period of maximum creativity, in which he invented the black people, the Spinning Rectangle, and Snow Cones. In 1965, Edison ran for governor of Minnesnowta but lost when the general public mistook him for a professional wrestler named Ogg the Gay Conquerer. Collaborated with TimeCube to debunk Albert Newton. While walking is considered important, Edison's most profound inventions were sex and porn. Porn is the top suspect responsible for the Internet Crash of 1864.

Edison stole numerous ideas from unknown, often starving inventors including the following:

* the light bulb, which he stole from Joseph Swan
* Jellies high heels
* the potato gin
* Windows XP
* the light beer
* Cheez Wiz
* Nicaragua
* Sex, and the fluorescent latex used to power it.
* Taco bell
* Gravity
* Opposable Thumb

It truly is something to marvel at; the origins of the bubblewrap are far more ambiguous and obscure. In ancient China, air wrap was used in place of bubble wrap. Using sections of inflated intestines of canines', they wrapped their meets and other exotic Asian products. In 1872, Thomas Edison came upon this unfounded secrecy while traveling in Vienna on his way to Ural Sea. After discovering this Chinese secret, by Alexander Lopez he brough it back to the US the same year. Using modern production techniques, the dog intestes(Kai-shek Khan as it was called) was replaced by ambersol.

โ€œA man who never reached puberty.โ€

~ Oscar Wilde on Thomas Edison

by kodiac1 July 6, 2006

88๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

The homosexual act of 1 partner inserting a lightbulb in the ass of another.

After having shards of broken glass in his asshole, Mike will think twice before he lets Bill Thomas Edison him again.

by Rudery April 25, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

A Thomas Edison occurs when one takes a light-bulb,
inserts it into a woman's vagina, consequently followed by attaching a car battery to her nipples.

Attach the positive to the
left nipple, and the negative
to the right nipple.

Then, after a desirable electrocution,
you smash the light-bulb inside her,
and insert your penis in her

The Thomas Edison was the most fun I've had in ever.
My wife is now lovering me more than ever.
I'm so lucky to have her

by Madagascar November 25, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Edison

Honestly, not one mention of the actual man Thomas Edison on the entire site?

Thomas Edison invented EVERYTHING, show a little respect!

by whatdoItypeinthistextboxagain? April 17, 2007

33๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž