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Not quite Rural? Not quite Urban?

Then the place you live may be more of an Ural area.

An Ural area usually consists of a city that has a moderate downtown area, some suburban sprawl, and farm land less than 6 miles from the City Center.

An Ural area is a place that cannot be defined strictly as urban or rural as it has components and characteristics of both.

The formation of this word is likely to have come from the results of recent social movements to break down binary systems.

Person A: Would you rather live in the city or the country?
Person B: Well, I think I'm more of an Ural person really.

by Ural Jr. August 13, 2010

5👍 17👎

Uralic languages

A language family that includes Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian as well as a lot of minority languages in Russia. Named after Ural mountains, their assumed place of origin.

Uralic languages have a shit-ton of cases.

by taajamajuna888 December 31, 2016

ural - sex

to penetrate the urethra; or PEEHOLE, of your loved one/rape victim during intercourse or cunnelingus/felatio. A number of phalic objects can be utilized in this proceedure.

Oh man, that raverchris guy, he sure knows how to give the ural. I pissed blood for almost a week.

by lovesthekak February 17, 2003

30👍 67👎

Ural's blowjob

When prostitute gives you a terrible blowjob, but refuses to give your money back

Yesterday that whore gave me Ural's blowjob

by George Orwell210 February 19, 2021