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Crazy like a rave. Beautiful and out going. Always trying to do good for someone and will give you their heart. But if done wrong they will retaliate.

I want to meet Tilee.

by jiggleballs November 7, 2014

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on the tiles

to enjoy yourself at night by going out to nightclubs, parties or bars

I was out on the tiles last night.

by MandM82 July 18, 2014


Drunk, wasted or black out drunk. Too much alcohol to drink.

Oh man, Kanye was so tiled last night he could barely walk.

by Paddy Gastro December 20, 2015

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Pronounciation : Tie - El

Noun: A rectangular or square shaped object which is used to cover up objects, such as a roof or some decorative pavement. They are usually some sort of ceramic clay or a brand of stone.

Verb ( see tiling tiles ): To tile something.

Noun: Each tile was fitted neatly on the pavement.

Verb: The construction worker was briskly tiling the muddy ground with finely shaped crafts of stone.

by Estragon April 21, 2008

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1. When a female has completely removed all of her pubic hair, leaving a smooth tile surface.

2. A hairless pussy.

3. When a woman shaves her pubic hair or her carpet which is a thick, knotted mass of pubic hair just north of the vagina, leaving a smooth tile surface .

She needs to shave her carpet and go with tile.

by My Kraken January 23, 2017

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Tile is a bluetooth device that you can use to track your household items (your keychain, wallet, etc).

I lose my keys every day. Thank goodness I have Tile. I activate it on my phone and I locate my keys right away!

by cabble_babble January 14, 2020

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A word to describe an extremely good gamer

you are a Tile

by yeeeet god September 18, 2018

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