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one of the most kick-ass names you can give your baby. It means thor's cauldron, which is where he made his thunder. The only thing cooler would be a name meaning thor's hammer, but thor won't let anyone call themselves that.

Torquil is the coolest name based on a legendary kitchen implement.

by NorseGod February 28, 2010

53👍 9👎


To forget a skill that you once knew.

I used to be good at driving, but that skill has torquiled.

I'm torquiling here, how do you play backgammon again?

by kersplatt February 8, 2010

42👍 24👎


When a girl bleeds from loosing her virginity

"Hey jenny did you torquil last night??"

by dan_flanda January 29, 2009

13👍 64👎