Source Code


(v) 1. To view more pics

2. As one may "friend" another on such social networking sites as Facebook, you may wish to:
a. Verify that it is indeed him/her by Viewing More Pics
b. See how hot a girl is by Viewing More Pics

Dan: "Dude, check this girl that friended me!"
Ray: "Oh shit, VMP dat bitch!"

by Anon E. Mus October 8, 2007

25👍 13👎


VMP is a competitive Critical ops clan that has mostly T1-T2 experienced players one of the most popular clans VMP continues to surprise the community with their newest members, looking forward to big and up coming tournaments VMP stays as a competitive clan and thriving till this day. The leader of the clan is Cuddling , really nice guy and makes very good decisions on the clan and maintaining its success and players to insure a better environment for the community and his members ! So far they had 2 sponsor ships and maybe more upcoming in the future! And another thing that they are one of the oldest clans in the whole of critical ops. Created 6 years Ago! 4rth team that got it's tag too

VMP is a good clan

by Omegalulllllll November 6, 2020

1👍 1👎


K(VMP) is a fictional character crucial to the understanding of the philosophy of the hardcore badass. K(VMP) derives from the words "OK", and "Vamp". The spirit of K(VMP) may be summoned when what is understood does not need to be discussed, but since there's nothing else to do you do so anyway. The rinse-repeat process entered at this point is known by the enlightened and musically inclined as "vamping", and is done in order to create new mysteries to assist English majors into fooling themselves that their theses are original works expressing concepts previously vacant from human minds. It is also worth noting that once the vamp is entered, all participants must cease to give a fuck about anything or they will fail to invoke the spirit.

Dude, that shit was getting so tedious, so we were just like K(VMP), and then before we knew it, it was done to the doner...

by K(VMP) February 24, 2009

1👍 1👎