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Originating from the movie "Teeth" based on a vagina with teeth, comes a theory on Genital dental hygene.
This rare disease occurs when the gum lines of the vagina become largely inflamed. Leaving this disease untreated may lead to the need for vaginal floss and vaginewash. If one decides to further neglect vaginal upkeep, one may need a vaginal retainer or even braces.
Most doctors will recommend vaginal toothpaste that comes in two flavors : penis and non-penis.

see Vaginal Orthodontist

Shit, someone better give that bitch some scope, she has mad vagingivitis.

That bitch needs to floss, she may be at definite risk of Vg; Vagingivitis

Nah man, don't go near her, She got some heavy Vagingivitis. Make yo dick fall off

by Fets May 11, 2009


Stemming from the psychoanalytical concept of vagina d'entata, this condition occurs when the aforementioned teeth are not properly maintained and gum sensitivity ensues.

Proper use of floss and other hygiene products can prevent the early onset of vagingivitis.

by Amber R. March 10, 2007

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When a girl sticks a toothbrush in her vagina, the germs left on the brisltes and head of the brush are transfered to the girl and she will forever this disease. Side effects include turning the girl into a pyscho with constant vaginal problems

Girl: i masturbated using a tooth brush last night
Girl 2: O no did u glove up? you'll catch vagingivitis. That shit comes back with you, like herpes

by Sofaking Wetoddid March 17, 2010

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A girl with firecrotch

Hey. Im a vaginger.

by Eric O April 15, 2008

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A term used for vagina, commonly used by people who are confident in their part . Also used in a playful manner.

Jean: "You 're a dingaling"
Jisu: "Nooo I'm a vagingaling"

by TheDaliLlama October 19, 2017


Two or more fingers that touch the vagina or vaginal area and goes unwashed prior to touching someone or something.

She left the bathroom without washing her hands and she touched the door with her vagingers.

by Rahkie Mateen November 20, 2010


The sweet spicy fragrance that emanates from a womans loins in rare but pleasant moments. This smell is not to be confused with other unpleasant odors that might emanate from the vag.

Guy 1: What's that sweet smell?
Guy 2: I just did Sheryl on your desk. That's her vaginger.
Guy 1: I'd be pissed, but that vaginger smells so good that I'm ok with it.

by guysmiley April 16, 2008

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