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a bipolar child..
usuallly has a nickname.
such as, maniac or striker .
often fights, eats, and hustles.
vahe loves his bestfriend ani.(=
yes its totally true. ;

"im vahe the geeee"

by aniiiiiiiiiimal February 10, 2009

133πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


A sexy, wise, athletic, nice, and Christian human being who is humble.

Son, I want you to be a Vahe or else I will disown you!

by Hayastan03 April 10, 2019

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An awesome person who has a great taste in music. usually described as 'legit' or 'dope' and loved by a huge amount of people. Vahe is usually very gentle in treating others and makes friends quickly. He is a very hot and sexy guy.

OMG, I'm totally falling for Vahe, he is so cute!

by Someone#1 September 24, 2010

105πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

National Vahe Day

Celebrating the greatest name to ever grace the face of the earth on this day. National Vahe Day occurs on April 15th every year.

β€œHey Vahe happy national Vahe day”
β€œThanks bro!”

by Vahex March 1, 2023