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A young man whom is very active. He tends to act tough but when it comes to his gf hid heart is kind. He is normally a football player. A good one at that. Velton's are sometimes sneaky as well, but a good friend

Velton your suck a handsome guy

by BigdoggS March 13, 2017


The last few minutes before the moon is covered by the sun during a lunar eclipse.

“Guys, there is a lunar eclipse tonight!”
“Noooo way! That’s soooo cool!”
“We have 7…I mean 6 more minutes until it’s no longer velton!!!”
Hahahah wow, you’re a geek.”

by Paul Sullivan February 21, 2008

6👍 4👎

velton bouvay

A safisticated young man that does well in school with red dreads .

You need a velton bouvay

by veltonn October 14, 2015

1👍 1👎