Source Code


Another useless Microsoft product that allows bright-eyed, 22-year old grad students in Big 4 Consulting companies (see Deloitte) to complicate a client's business processes and represent them electronically in a fancy, meaningless flow chart. Visio is usually incompatible with the client's IT systems, so no one can ever open the files anyway.

"Just do a quick process flow in Visio and I'll forward it to the team"
"(Client to Consultant) Billy, I can't open this Visio file you sent me - what is it?"
"I hate using Visio - can't I just do it in Word or something?"

by swolfe May 16, 2006

17👍 7👎

Microsoft Visio

A terrible, terrible expensive-mans CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) program that will drive you insane with rage

Your honor, my client pleads insanity because of his extenisive job-use of the program Microsoft Visio

by katanainthestone February 2, 2009

7👍 2👎


-noun pronounced: what the' heck!!
The inate syndrome in manly men that subconsciously block the same sex booty from entering the visual cortex.

A manly man mistakenly gets an email with the picture of another man with his booty exposed. The anti-man-gluten-visio-cateractasm blocks any visual references to such events.
This phenomenon does not exist in some areas such as San Francisco, Palm Springs, and a club down the street from my house.

by TerrenceV April 17, 2008

4👍 3👎