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A lesbian who goes by she/her pronouns and is attracted to other lesbians who go by she/her pronouns.

Due to all the micro-labeling going on in the lesbian community, I have decided to identify as vixenamoric.

by lxsbeeen July 7, 2020

198πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž


A term that goes alongside "lesbian" to confirm that the person is a woman and is strictly attracted to women(trans women are women), not feminine folks.

Rebecca decided to go by Vixenamoric because the label lesbian was changed to "nonmen loving nonmen" and she is a woman who is only attracted to women.

by Vixies.rock July 31, 2020

65πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Vixenamoric is a term coined together by @ssapphrodite and @viixenyy on twitter for lesbians who identify as she/her and love only women who identify as she/her. They created the term because of the invasion of the lesbian spaces by non-women (They/Them lesbians and he/him lesbians). People who use this flag also believe pronouns=gender, that’s where they exclude people who don’t use she/her. People who don’t agree with this term also believes they’re terfs. Which terf is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminism" or "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." Vixenamoric does not exclude trans women.

I have decided to identify as Vixenamoric because I love only women.

by LemonClown August 3, 2020

137πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž


A Trans or Cis Women who specifically likes only women. This includes Trans Women because trans women are women with no question. He/Him lesbians and They/them lesbians are discluded as they proved to only want to be aggressive and hateful towards women who want a safe space to love women. These people CANNOT like men any type of men and isn't open to be used as a umbrella term. The label lesbian has been taken over and used against women who only like women.

P1: Hey you only like women? So your a lesbian?

P2: No I'm bot since that label has been taken from women who only love women :(
P1: So what are you then?
P2: I'm vixenamoric! :)

by IWishICouldBeLesbian July 7, 2020

121πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž


the only VALID lesbian
anyone not a cis or trans woman are demi-lesbians or different sexualities

It's all those fake lesbians fault vixenamoric has to be created.

by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž