Source Code


Substitution for home boi.

Pronounce: wooooo-day

Question: Whuddup wooday

Answer: Chillun wooday

by some gangsters from the the 305 January 23, 2008

35👍 8👎


used to announce a proclimation of sweetness. can be substituted for: nice, sweet, or chilli willi.

you killa, I just some head, it was fasheezi... wooday!

by rafi marcus January 12, 2003

18👍 8👎


syn: chilli wackin, cash, money, WHAT, nice. (Can only be used by killas, wooday masters, and baby dolls)

yo baby, I'll give you the time of your life! WOODAY!

by rafi marcus February 7, 2003

13👍 6👎