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Used to be a small farming community in the middle of nowhere where the only municipal building was a post office. Now overrun by the city of Surprise and all the fake ass, middle class, forclosure nearing assholes that occupy it.

"So what's there to do in Waddell?"
"Well, we could get drunk at the ranch and tag million dollar homes with tractor paint."
"We could blow shit up."

by Griftthis August 24, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is plagued with illness, hurting sometimes may be a bit overweight, loud-mouth and corny.

Look at that Waddell...smh

You better stop eating to much or you gone be a Waddell.

by tron_cat1 January 3, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to be a place in the middle of nowhere with the only public building was the lame Post Office. Now (2008) it is swarming with wanna be farmers who wish it was the olden days

Man, we are visiting our folks in the sticks of Waddell.

by Shaquira June 25, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is plagued by illness or hurt 24/7

Look at that Waddell.

by party_rock January 3, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man who does not engage in outdoor activity a lot and wanks most of the day. Pretty fat, but in a good way. Funny at times and will make you laugh a lot but will probably put a roofie in your drink.

Yo watch out for Waddel. He is kinda creepy.

by Waddel C. March 17, 2016


The act of making arrangements with someone then bailing at the last minute, preferably when the other party is already at said prearranged destination and/or activity.

Poor smuck - "Hey Steve just arrived at Golf, how far away are you?"
Steve - "Hey mate, yeah I know i said 10 minutes ago how keen I was for golf but... I'm not coming..."
Poor smuck - "Classic Waddelling."

by The Tooms May 5, 2019


A loose skanky whore that has lips that drip honey and one who likes to cheat on her boyfriend while she is pregnant. Loves getting double fisted and likes any type of produce from a nearbye Safeway jammed up her loose smelly cunt. Also, will go out and get an abortion because she will need to focus on paying her $99 dollar per month used car note.

My buddy and I where jamming a watermelon sized cucumber up this Waddell girl named Amy D. When we pulled out the produce, it was half eaten from the baby inside of her. So then we took turns screwing her and left our used condons inside this stupid bitch. Also known as pulling a donnelly.

by Ray barnett November 21, 2006

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