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1. n. a flaccid penis. See also: chub

2. vi. a pathetic person, an inept poser

1. You have a little wankus.

2. Did you see him tip his bike over? That Kevin kid sure is a wankus.

by Wally Balljacker December 21, 2003

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A six letter middle name that starts with a W. Also the best nickname ever.

Wankus, go make me a sandwich.

by Cow54701 August 27, 2009

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Wankus Maximus

A satirical name given to a dedicated masturbator.

Person A: Karim has been losing a lot of weight lately.
Person B: That's a small price one has to pay, to earn the title of Wankus Maximus.

by Titan90 September 2, 2019

wankus interuptus

The act of being interrupted during self pleasure, by any means. Derived from the early latin, and similar to coitus interruptus, it was coined by Dr Bryan in the early '10s. The worst instance of this is when the individual is almost cumming, and their pleasure is interrupted and are rendered unable to continue

Tom 1: Oh man i had the worst case of wankus interuptus last night
Tom 2: Yeah mate?
Tom 1: yeah, was almost about to cum, when my sister came home and i had to stop
Tom 2: Oh man i fucken hate wankus interruptus

by John Edgecliff April 15, 2014

Wankus bankus

Pretty sure its the name of some kind of hammer from a movie/show. its also a sound from tiktok
The sound gos:

What do you think wankus wankus?
( kill them ?)
Oh you naughty wankus bankus

by Kcat0314 October 12, 2021

Willy wankus

A general term to describe a mans Trouser snake, used by middle schoolers to refer to the male genitalia and not get caught


Person 1: my Willy wankus is pretty big

Person 2: I bet it isn’t

by Bigdumb532 May 20, 2024