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A person that no matter what you say.. The first words out of mouth are WELLL...then passive aggressive comments follow about how you are incorrect or a different way of doing things. Wellers are well known for prolonging meetings in the workplace. Never being wrong also is a common trait of Wellers.

I tried to have a conversation with Greg but found out he's a Weller after 5 minutes.

by .............Mercuriodfgsdfgfs May 22, 2020

47πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Also known as W.L Weller. A type of bourbon manufactured by buffalo trace distillery. It usually really hard to find cause it’s so damn good.

Hey youngblood can I gets a taste of that weller ?

by Western Tunesmith February 8, 2021


To smell up a office cube with a steamy fart

That dude just blew a nasty Weller.

That Weller sounded wet!

by Don Regan October 23, 2007

39πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


To bleat on and promote your Socialist point of view when you don't have any money, but the moment you become successful and wealthy to drop your ideals and sell out.

See Paul Weller now successful solo artist, once Social commetarist.

Not to be confused with 'Doing a Daltrey' and writing a song about hoping to die before you get old and not carrying that promise through.

Antonym of Billy Bragg

That John Prescott did a Weller the moment he joined Tony Blair's cabinet and ended up with Two Jags.

by JamFan June 24, 2009

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


To be better than well

I hope you sleep weller

by Bl00dyFist August 2, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


foursome. 3 dudes, one slut. one in the ass, mouth, and hand. no vag. super raunch

those dudes just wellered that hoe

by this is too funny March 25, 2010

48πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Having a 4 some with 3 guys and one girl. Other terms like 2/3 wellered or inverse welleredare commonly used in reference to this word.

Sanchez: we just wellered that bitch.
Rafael: NO WAY!
Sanchez: yeah shes a wart-balled penismagnet

by ass plugger January 16, 2009

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