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A state in which one is emotionally broken upon repair.

I loved him more than anything. I never felt so wept until the day he left. I knew that would be the last time i saw him.

by lacessout October 19, 2010

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"Jesus wept."

John 11:35. The shortest verse in the King James version of the Bible. Translated from the original Greek, ΡδακρυσΡν ΞΏ ιησους, literally meaning, "Jesus wept.". Perhaps the sole verse in the Bible that people actually "get" without guidance. Rarely open to interpretation, only cross-reference. Having said that, what many don't understand is that it may sum up the entire New Testament in two simple words. (Note: emphasis on the word, may.)

When someone starts to say what the Gospel according to John really meant when it said, "Jesus wept.", just walk away! It could be a money scam. Caveat emptor.

by Herr Doktor Grauwolf February 14, 2009

78πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Jesus wept

A rather sarcastic turn of phrase showing an unsympathetic attitude towards a person.

- Some twat stole that garden my dad bought for a fiver.
- Oh how Jesus fucking wept.

by Billy-Bob McSanchez April 6, 2005

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And God wept with me

As I was driving along the highway one day and I recalled something profound. As tears began to fill my eyes, it began to rain. As I started to sob, hail began to fall.

Iam "I wept and God wept with me "

Hym "True story."

by Hym Iam June 6, 2022

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S(he) wept be(f)ore before it even st(arted)

A variation of the S(he) be(lieved) meme with a bit more toot

β€˜S(he) wept be(f)ore before it even st(arted)β€˜

β€˜He farted’

by Goatdire May 4, 2022

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